Off-Grid Cabin - Goshen, VT
This property started out as a 16' x 16' cabin with no public services - no electric, no telephone - off the grid. We added on a two story space about four times the size of the original structure.
The styrofoam block foundation provides a good R value. The building was framed and insulated from the outside, strapped and finished with shiplap pine exterior siding. We added windows to the existing camp, removed the old entry door and added a mudroom and stairs to the basement.
Dense packed insulation in the walls and ceiling brought up the R value in the new section to around 50-52, and we added new insulation to the old cabin section.
Interior finishes include a loft area with windows and a sliding door on the south side of the addition to take full advantage of the available light.
We returned a year later and added on a deck to complete this secluded Vermont getaway.